Keith Bain – Is It All About Me?

Is It All About Me? – Keith Bain

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Today we are going to continue our series in Acts.  That we are calling Church on Fire.  When Kyle called me a couple of months ago, he said hey I’m going to be taking a study break.  Here’s a couple of scriptures you might want to think about. So he gave me a choice.  The ones that I picked are actually from two different chapters in Acts.  Act 12 and Acts 14.  And they are similar stories but different responses.  Ok.  Its not something that we have preached on a lot.  But it is really really interesting stories.  I’ve enjoyed studying and preparing for that.  And really the goal for that, is to answer the question “Is It All About Me?”.

Church on Fire

Now the answer to that question seems pretty obvious doesn’t it?  Now if you are an enfant or a man the answer to that question is probably regularly yeah yeah it is all about me.  Uh I know just personally in my life I’m challenged on a pretty regular basis with trying to make it all about me.  Selfishness, pride, arrogance, and wanting to have power.  I’ll admit those are all things I have struggled with in the past.  Unfortunately I think we all do.  Pretty common human traits.  We take pride in a lot of different things.  Our education, our wealth, our possessions, our standing in the community, our standing in the church, our jobs.  And the list goes on and on and on.  And when you are driven by those characteristics – pride, selfishness, search for power – you act in some awful ways.  You do some awful things.  Here are some thing’s that I have done.  Manipulate people.  Manipulate situations.

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