Kyle Dingus – Our Heart Condition


Today we are going to be in Acts 8.  If you want to turn you bibles over there.  We are continuing a series called Church on Fire.  Which we are looking at how spirit powered people of God took the good news of Jesus and spread it to the world.  And today we are talking about something really important that doesn’t get a ton of air time.  But before we go there, let me take you back to college Kyle.

College Kyle

This isn’t freshman version Kyle but Senior version.  So I had matured some at least.  But at this point, I am following two dates with this really beautiful amazing woman.  she happens to be right there.  It was awesome.  Things were going great.  Out of nowhere I get hit with a partial friendzone.  So she says I’m just not ready to date right now.  that’s friendzone Kyle but she said I’m not totally closing the door basically.  I have two paths in front of me, I can move forward its over, she friend zoned me.  Or I can be like you’re telling me there’s a chance.  I definitely went with that one.

Relay for Life Fundraiser

So, one of the things Harding partners with is a charity called Relay for Life which all about cancer research.  And there’s a big late night party at Harding that goes into the late AM where they try to raise a lot of money.  Which is a great and noble thing.  Right?  When I presented with a chance to serve, I was like no.  I really don’t want to stay up late into the cold darkness and do something like this.  Which shows you something about my heart at the time.  I did hear that Abby needed help with her booth.  She was going to be gone for a few hours.  I was like I will do it.   I’ll be there right now.  So I’m sitting at her booth and people are thinking me.  Thank you for volunteering your time to do this in the late hours.  Abby’s friends would come by and take not. And recognize me.  That ended up being the night that helped move her more toward liking me.

Thank you Jesus.

Very clearly in this situation I had a pretty, mixed motive.  I was not solely there for cancer research.  That was a bonus.  That was awesome that that was happening.  Really I was there to try to win over the heart of this one.  Praise God that that worked.  But I really did not have a pure motive.   I think we often times do that.  We choose to do something to on lookers that they are doing this great and noble and righteous thing.  Really we have a mixed motive that is selfish in the background.  So maybe that may be yeah I’d love to go to all these school or youth events because there’s pretty girls there.  Or maybe a powerful person so you can cash that in as a favor at some point.

Listen above for the entire podcast.  More on Church on Fire series.